Residents are entitled to an update from me on the events that occurred at No10 Downing Street during the “lockdown” restrictions. I have made clear, including in the posts on my website on 8th December and 14th January, that anyone who is found to have broken the rules, whoever they are, must face the consequences.
Equally, my years as a lawyer have taught me not to come to conclusions without the fullest possible evidence. The delay in publishing Sue Gray's substantive report – not helped by a pretty ham-fisted intervention by the Metropolitan Police – is deeply frustrating.
I have repeatedly urged No10 and my Party whips to commit to the publication of Sue Gray’s full and final report. I am glad that this has at last been conceded. It should never have even been in question.
Consequently, I shall not come to any final conclusions in relation to these issues until I have seen that final report.
Separately, I have been asked about comments the Prime Minister and others have made in relation to Sir Keir Starmer and Jimmy Savile. These comments were inaccurate and unacceptable, and should never have been made. I have plenty of grounds upon which I would attack Sir Keir upon his, and the Labour Party’s, policies, but this is not something I can associate myself with. No10 should stop it immediately.